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Tree Blog

Worker trimming branches with saw

Removing Problem, Damaged or Diseased Trees Can Be Dangerous

Homeowners know that one tree, left to grow in the wrong spot, can cause a lot of problems. Roots can damage your foundation or basement walls. Branches can rub against your siding and fall on your roof. Over time, one problem tree can be quite costly. Safe removal is key.

Weighty Considerations

If you have an older tree on your property that is diseased and starting to drop branches, you know how heavy larger branches can be. When it comes time to remove that tree, the entire situation needs to be assessed for safety.

The tree may lean a bit. In this case, a tree removal professional will have to take pressure off of the root systems by cutting branches that are opposite the lean. This removal process will need to work around fences, outbuildings and other structures.

Even if the tree is straight and tall, getting the weight off of the tree all the way back to the trunk takes skill and planning. A badly unbalanced tree can be incredibly dangerous.

Permits and Restrictions

Depending on the type of tree that needs to come out, you may need to work with local authorities to make sure that you’re not breaking any rules. Permits and approvals can be gained by your tree removal professional to protect you from fines.

Your tree removal professional can also help you decide the best way to recycle the tree. If it’s appropriate for firewood and you have a spot to dry it, it may make sense to get the tree chopped down for your own use. For those who don’t have a fireplace, it may make more sense to get the downed tree hauled away for firewood prepping elsewhere.

Caring for Your Remaining Trees

If you had to have a problem tree removed because it was too close to your property, a simple pruning of your remaining trees may be all that is necessary. However, if the tree that had to be taken out was diseased, it’s time to assess the rest of the trees in your yard.

Diseases can spread rapidly from one tree to the next, especially if trees have suffered damage from wind and weather. Bring out a tree professional to study the condition of your trees after the leaves drop. Now is the time to treat trees for pests or fungi. It’s also a good idea to trim away snags and invest in basic pruning while the tree is dormant.

The professionals at Family Tree Care can protect your Guilford, CT property and household with skilled tree removal when needed, so contact us today. We can also assess your other trees and keep them healthy.